18 November, 2012

Latest Glossaries in Computer Field

LEP (Light Emitting Polymer)

A menu (On Screen Display) shown on the screen facilitating configuration of the monitor or TV.

  1. It is a short for Surface-Conduction Electron-Emitter Display.
  2. Like regular cathode ray tubes, SEDs consists of conductive electron emitters that are based on palladium oxide. 
  3. The difference to cathode ray tubes using one single electron emitter is that, with SED, each sub pixel is dedicated its own electron emitter. 

  1. Thin Film Transistor. 
  2. At the present time, LCDs are mainly actuated using this technology. For each pixel a dedicated transistor is placed on one of the glass plates of the display.
  3.  Each transistor can be separately controlled, - hence each pixel as well.

  1. The Universial Serial Bus is a new standard for peripheral devices which was developed by leading manufacturers of the computer and communications industries. 
  2. USB allows for the so called Plug and Play of peripheral devices without the need of having to install specific cards in the computer or to reconfigure certain parts of the operation system. 
  3. It is expected that USB will replace conventional serial and parallel interfaces in the foreseeable future. 
  4. This will also make the annoying cable mess and the constant hassle with exchanging peripheral devices become a problem of the past.
  5. It is possible to run a maximum of 127 devices at a bandwidth of 1.5 or 12 Mbit/s (USB 1.1) and respectively 480 MBit/s (USB 2.0).
  6. If the monitor has a USB hub listed in its specifications, you can plug devices like mouse or keyboard directly into the monitor.

X-VGA = Extended-VGA
  1. Extended VGA (= X-VGA or shorter and more common XGA) graphics cards have a memory of 512 kB and more. 
  2. The standard resolution is at 1024 x 767. 
  3. Additionally, the color depth has been extended from 256 colors to High Color (16 Bit) and True Color (24 Bit). 
  4. Most X-VGA cards are equipped with their own dedicated processor in order to accelerate the displaying of computationally expensive images (accelerator card) and supported 3D graphics.

Ubicomp = Ubiquitous computing

Plug & Play
  1. This is an industry standard, which has been introduced with Windows 95 and aims at having the computer do all of the installation and configuration procedure automatically without any intervention of the user. 
  2. The phrase has often been played with because initially it many times didn’t work as it was supposed to, - so people came up with alternative spellings such as "Plug and Pray".
  3.  :)

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